“SHARE THE SPIRIT” 50/50 LOTTERY DRAW (Lottery License – # LR24-00954)

The Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan (UCFSASK) will again be conducting a “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw. The draw date will be made on Friday, December 6, 2024 (St. Nicholas Day), 2:00 pm at 214 Avenue M S, Saskatoon SK.


The ticket price will be $20.00 per ticket. The ticket distribution will be as follows:

  • 50% or $10.00 of each ticket sold will go to the winner of the lottery draw
  • 25% or $5.00 of each ticket sold will go to a Parish/Mission or designated Eparchial Organization named on each ticket by the ticket purchaser as the “Parish/Mission or Eparchial Organization Designation”.
  • 25% or $5.00 of each ticket sold will go to UCFSASK
  • Total number of tickets available for sale: 11,500
  • Total maximum prize value: $115,000.00

This “Share the Spirit” Lottery will provide the Faithful of the Eparchy an opportunity to participate in a 50/50 Lottery Draw; to support their favorite Ukrainian Catholic Parish/Mission or the designated Eparchial Organization in the Eparchy of Saskatoon; and, to assist UCFSASK in promoting the cultural, social, educational, and spiritual initiatives, policies, and objectives of the Eparchy of Saskatoon among Ukrainian Catholics in the Province of Saskatchewan.

Very shortly each Parish Family in the Eparchy will receive a package containing information concerning this lottery draw and tickets for purchase. Please check your mailbox for your package.

Please consider the purchase of the 50/50 Lottery Ticket, and help support a Parish/Mission, or a designated Eparchial Organization and UCFSASK. We thank you graciously and humbly ask for your support. The winner of the 2023 “Share the Spirit – 50/50 Lottery draw won $29,520 (2022

– $28,720); (2021 – $32,720); (2020 – $32,900); (2019 – $29,220); (2018 – $29, 440).

For more information on the Lottery, please contact the Foundation office at (306) 653-0138, ext. 223 (collect).

If you want more detailed information on the “Share the Spirt” 50/50 Lottery, please visit the

USCFSASK Website at www.ucfsask.org.


“Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw Information

  • Draw date: Friday, December 6, 2024, at 2:00pm at 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon SK
  • Ticket Price: $20.00 per ticket
  • Total number of tickets available for sale: 11,500
  • Total maximum prize value: $115,000.00
  • Make cheques payable to: UCFSask Corp
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