A Gift for the Future
Stewardship is a life long journey. Through good stewardship practices, the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) desires to provide the financial resources for current and future needs. This creates an opportunity for the Faithful in our Eparchy to be actively engaged and supported through their faith journey. We are supported and strengthened as a community when we work together.
Planning to leave your gift to the foundation in the future also plays a big part in your stewardship, even after you are gone. You can explore other areas that you can plan your gift, Personal And Estate Planning Considerations In Charitable Giving.
Catholic Legacy Giving Program – What is a Legacy Gift to our Faith Community
Simply, it is a lasting extension of our love of God and belief in supporting the continued growth of our faith community. It is returning to God something that is of great meaning to us, and is an expression of who we are captured through the lives that follow us.
Your life has been enriched and shaped by your faith. Perhaps an eparchial ministry, program, or service has made a difference in your life. Perhaps you want to ensure that the Church continues nurturing faith and offering help and hope to people in need long after you’re gone. You can help support essential programming within the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon through a legacy gift, a charitable donation that planned now but received later by the church, through your estate. Of course, your first priority is to make sure your family is provided for after your death. However, donating to a cause that is important to you doesn’t mean your family will be left with substantially less. Rather, with careful estate planning, you can both take care of your loved ones and help support the continued growth of your faith community.
Anyone, regardless of their income or size of estate, can make a legacy gift. In fact, you may be able to make a greater contribution through a planned gift than would otherwise be possible. In many cases, there is no outright cost of establishing a legacy gift and can provides significant tax benefit today. With proper planning, charitable tax credits can return up to 44% of your gift back to your estate. Therefore, every dollar that you donate to support the church may actually cost your estate (or your heirs) only about fifty-six cents. Ultimately, you’re diverting monies from Canada Revenue Agency to a cause you care about, while still providing for your heirs.
Legacy gifts, however, are more than simply a means of distributing your estate. They are a reflection of how you are sharing your values and your faith. If you choose to remember your faith community, in your estate plans, you can specify exactly where you wish your gift to be directed, such as to your parish or to a special ministry, service, or program. If you don’t have a preference, you can request that the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) decide where your gift is most needed. Including your faith community in your estate plans is a way to show your dedication to your faith and community, which can serve as a beautiful example for your children and grandchildren. A legacy gift is an ideal way to pass on your values of responsible stewardship and generous giving, and to leave a gift of faith the will ensure the blessings you have received will be share for generations to come.
Legacy or planned gifts come in many forms, from making a provision in your Will to a donation of life insurance policies that are not longer needed, and many more. Each has their own benefit to the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) and to you and your estate. Each and every gift is important and our Eparchial UCFSASK Office would be happy to provide various examples available.
Bequest and Estate Information
BEQUEST Administration
The Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) Office coordinates the administration of charitable gifts including those through estate plans. Please forward all correspondence to:
Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Office
214 Avenue M South
Saskatoon SK, Canada
S7M 2K4
To follow up on estate administration please contact the USASK office at 306-653-0138 ext. 223 or by e-mail at admin@ucfsask.org.
Legal Titles
For all legal documents (including Wills) please use the following legal title:
Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK)
I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK), Saskatoon Saskatchewan the sum of $_____ (specific amount) or _____% (a percentage) of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes as the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) sees fit.
Registered Charity #: 119039477 RR 0001
I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the sum of $_____ or _____ % (percent) of the residue of my estate to be used for ________________ (detailed description of what you, the donor, wants the bequest to accomplish or be used for a particular program or ministry).
If, in the opinion of the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan Corporation (UCFSASK), it should become impossible, inadvisable, or impractical to use this gift for this specific purposes(s), then the Board may in their discretion use the gift to the best advantage for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon, keeping in mind the spirit of the gift intent.
Registered Charity #: 119039477 RR 0001
For information on detailed description of a particular program or ministry please contact the UCFSASK office at 306-653-0138 ext. 223 or by e-mail at admin@ucfsask.org.