Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon
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“SHARE THE SPIRIT” 50/50 LOTTERY DRAW (Lottery License – # LR24-00954)

Congratulations to Helen Adamko of Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Saskatoon, SK, with ticket number 5806 on winning the 2024 “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw in the amount of $23,910.00!!!

THANK YOU so very much to all who supported the “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw. The total number of tickets sold was 2,391 for a total amount of $47,820.00. This means that the lucky winner of the 2024 “Share the Spirit” Lottery Draw, Helen Adamko, Saskatoon, will receive $23,910.00

In addition, the amount allocated to the Designated Beneficiaries from the 2024 “Share the Spirit” Lottery Draw will be $11,955.00. The total amount that has been allocated to the Designated Beneficiaries since the inception of the “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw, including the amount for this year, is $103,200.00. The Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan, as a member of the Eparchial family, is delighted and proud to be able to share the proceeds of the lottery with the Designated Beneficiaries and the Eparchy of Saskatoon.

It is important to remember that under the Lottery License rules ALL UNSOLD lottery ticket books must be returned to the UCFSASK Office. Once the Canada Post strike is over, please return the unsold tickets books in the postage paid self-addressed envelope provided in your lottery package – if you haven’t already done so. You can also drop off the unsold tickets at your Parish Office or in the Sunday Collection Plate.

Again, THANK YOU, for your support of the “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw where the proceeds will not only go towards assisting the Eparchy with offering of the Eparchial initiatives but also in helping Parishes/Missions and Eparchial Organizations through the Designated Beneficiaries program.



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