“For much will be required of those to whom much is given” (Luke 12:48).

The 2022 Annual Eparchial Appeal initiative is now complete. The Foundation would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the Parish Families who so generously contributed to this year’s Annual Eparchial Appeal. We also want to say a huge THANK YOU to the many, many Parish Families who continue to contribute year after year to the Annual Eparchial Appeal. For this we are extremely grateful. Certainly, our success would not have been possible if it were not for the support, hard work, effort, and commitment to this Annual Eparchial Appeal by many people.

The total funds raised in the 2022 Annual Eparchial Appeal was $111,804.00. The amount rebated to Parishes that exceeded their goal totaled $300.00. As noted in the information provided below, the Eparchy will receive $91,804.00 that will be allocated towards the following Eparchial Ministries that were identified as recipients of this support. In addition, the Foundation will be allocated $20,000 as part of the financial goals identified to offset the expenses incurred in conducting the 2022 Annual Eparchial Appeal.

Ukrainian Catholic Religious Education Centre – $39,914.78
Family and Life Office Ministry – $15,965.91
Youth and Young Adult Ministry – $7,982.96
St. Matthew Clergy Society – $9,978.70
Bishop Roborecki Foundation – $7,982.96
Eparchial Communications Office – $9,978.70

In 2022, the participation rate of the family units in the Eparchy who contributed to the Annual Eparchial Appeal was 20%, as compared to 25% in 2021, 22% in 2019, 22% in 2018, 22% in 2017, 30% in 2016 and 33% in 2015. The Annual Eparchial Appeal was not conducted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is our hope that the participation numbers of the number of Parish Families contributing to the Annual Eparchial Appeal continues to grow in the 2023 Annual Eparchial Appeal. We are hopeful that more Parishioners will see the important significance that their donation will make in the growth and continuance of our Ukrainian Catholic Church and Faith in Saskatchewan.

Thank you, again, for your generous support, and we hope that we can call on you again to be just as abundant, both in time and talent, during the 2023 Annual Eparchial Appeal. We will continue to stand together in faith and hope for our Church.

Blessings to All Our Faithful!
Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan

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