2019 Annual Eparchial Appeal

“Whoever Sows Generously Reaps Generously”

April 28 – June 9, 2019

It is hard to fathom that we are about to embark of our 5th Annual Eparchial Appeal.  Thanks to your generosity, prayers and kind support in the last four years, the Eparchial Appeal has been very successful in raising just over $700,000 to fund Eparchial Ministries, which are so crucial to the growth and preservation of faith in the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Vibrant Parishes. Thank you for helping to strengthen our families. Thank you for helping to form and nurture missionary disciples. Thank you for helping to empower, train and mentor our youth.  Thank you for helping promote the protection of life and God-given dignity for each human person.

The Eparchial Appeal is crucial to the sustainability of these Eparchial Ministries. These are programs that cannot be offered by individual Parishes because of limited resources, both financial and human. That is why it is so critical that the Faithful of our Eparchy continue to collectively ensure the Eparchy can provide these Eparchial Ministry programs throughout our Parishes.

The 2019 Annual Eparchial Appeal will kick off on the April 27th 28th weekend when detailed information regarding the Appeal will be presented.

Within the next two weeks you will be receiving your Eparchial Appeal Letter Package in the mail, which will contain detailed information on the various Eparchial Ministries and Programs supported by the 2019 Annual Eparchial Appeal.

Now more than ever, it is so important to feed the spiritual needs of our people. Please consider your support of the 2019 Annual Eparchial Appeal. Your generosity will be rewarded in many ways.


Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan


PDF copy of Pre-Appeal Notice»»

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