Notice of Annual General Meeting

of the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Sask. Corporation

and Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors

When:  Saturday, February 16, 2019

Registration – 1:30pm to 2:00pm
Annual General Meeting – 2:00 pm

St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church Auditorium
210 Avenue M South
Saskatoon Saskatchewan

Who:    All members of a Ukrainian Catholic parish or mission within the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon who are 18 years of age or older are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

Purpose:  This meeting is being called for the purposes of:

  • Approving the Financial Statement Reviewer’s Report and the Annual Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018.
  • Appointing a Reviewer/Auditor of our financial records for the next fiscal period.
  • Approving Bylaws or Amendment to the Bylaws – none to consider for this Annual Meeting.
  • Reporting of activities and motions of the Directors to the membership.
  • Electing Directors.
  • For transacting such other business as may properly come before an Annual General Meeting.

Access to Documents:  Annual Meeting Documents and the Financial Statements will be posted on the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan website – by no later than January 31, 2019. You may also pick up copies at the Foundation Office at 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon Saskatchewan.


Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors of Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan

Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan is searching for people who are interested in serving on our Board of Directors.  To qualify, a person must be 18 years of age or older, a resident of Canada and a member in good standing with a Ukrainian Catholic Parish or Mission within the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon.

The Board has a vacancy from the Regina and Yorkton Deanery.  If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors as a deanery representative from either the Regina or Yorkton Deanery, please contact the Office Administrator, Iris Owchar at 306-653-0138, ext 223, or email your intention to bbessi@outlook.comEach nomination will require a letter of support from your Pastor. Nominations will close on Monday, February 11th, 2019 at 5:00pm.


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