- “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw
- Bulletin Announcements
“Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw
“Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw
Bishop Budka Eparchial Stewardship Society Inc (BBESSI) is conducting a “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw from October 19, 2018 to December 9, 2018. The draw date will be made on Wednesday, December 19, 2018.
The ticket price will be $20.00 per ticket. The ticket distribution will be as follows:
- 50% or $10.00 of each ticket sold will go to the winner of the lottery draw.
- 25% or $5.00 of each ticket sold will go to a Ukrainian Catholic Parish/Mission or Eparchial Organization (in the Eparchy of Saskatoon) designated on each ticket by the ticket purchaser as the “Parish/Mission or Eparchial Organization Designation”. This is an opportunity for the ticket purchaser to have a portion of the ticket price go towards his/her favorite Ukrainian Catholic Parish/Mission or a designated Eparchial Organization. See the “Fact Sheet” enclosed with this package for more detailed information on this offer.
- 25% or $5.00 of each ticket sold will go to BBESSI.
This will be an opportunity for the Faithful of our Eparchy to participate in a 50/50 Lottery Draw, and at the same time, designate a Parish or Eparchial Organization to receive a portion of each ticket sold and help BBESSI in its mission as the fundraising arm of the Eparchy of Saskatoon.
Each Parish Family will receive a package containing information concerning this lottery draw and a book of 5 tickets for purchase. You can purchase all 5 tickets or as little as one ticket. Click here to view Fact Sheet for 2018 Share the Spirit 50/50 Lottery.
Whether you purchase a ticket(s) or not, please return all sold and unsold tickets in the self-addressed envelope to the BBESSI Office. You may also place this self-addressed envelope in the collection plate at your Parish.
Please consider the purchase of the 50/50 Lottery Ticket, and help support a Parish/Mission, or a designated Eparchial Organization and BBESSI. We thank you graciously and humbly ask for your support.
If you want more detailed information on the “Share the Spirt” 50/50 Lottery, please visit the BBESSI Website at www.bbessi@org
Lottery License #LR18-0067