2021 Annual Eparchial Appeal
Campaign Progress as of May 6th
– We are at 37% of our Goal!
Thank you to all those who have made their donations/pledges; your support to our 2021 Annual Eparchial Appeal is gratefully appreciated.
If you have not yet made your pledge, we humbly and respectfully please ask you to consider making a pledge or one-time gift.
Did you know that there is more than one way to give to the Annual Eparchial Appeal? You can:
- Make a one-time gift.
- Make a pledge and spread out your pledge over 12 (or less) monthly payments.
- Have your donation matched by your company with a Corporate Matching Gift.
- Online donations using the QR code which links directly to the UCFSask website.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Eparchial Appeal or the Foundation itself, please contact the Foundation Office at 306-653-0138, ext 223.