THANK YOU very much to all who have already purchased tickets in the “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw. The response to date has been great and at the time of this posting, the 50/50 WINNER’S SHARE was already at $15,030.00 and growing daily. The winner of the 2019 “Share the Spirit” Lottery Draw received $29,220.00 (2018 – $29,440.00).
There is only A FEW DAYS LEFT before the close of “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw. Do not hesitate, get your tickets now to ensure that you are included in the draw on December 4, 2020. You still have a great opportunity on a chance to win some extra cash for Christmas – AND, also financially help your Parish/Mission or designated Eparchial Organization.
It is important to remember that under the Lottery License rules ALL tickets, SOLD OR UNSOLD, must be returned to the UCFSASK Office in the self-addressed envelope provided in your package and post-marked by NOVEMBER 25, 2020 or earlier. You can also return your tickets to your Parish Office or place them in the Sunday Collection Basket.
“Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery Draw Information
- Draw date: Friday, December 4, 2020, 2:00pm at 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon SK.
- Ticket Price: $20.00 per ticket
- Total number of tickets available for sale: 15,000
- Total maximum prize value: $150,000
For more detailed information on the “Share the Spirit” 50/50 Lottery, please visit the UCFSASK Website at www.ucfsask@org, call the UCFSASK Office at 306-653-0138, ext 223.