“Do you love Me?

Feed My Sheep….
Caring for ALL that GOD has given us”


The Annual Eparchial Appeal supports many important Ministries and Programs.  Gifts are allocated towards religious education programs, youth ministries, the communication efforts, and all the services provided by the Eparchy.

If you have not yet made your pledge, please pray about your decision and consider making a pledge or onetime gift, or a donation spread over several months.  Please join us, your Ukrainian Catholic community, as we combine our gifts to God’s hidden treasure of faith.

Did you know that there’s more than one way to give to the Annual Eparchial Appeal?  You can:

    • Make a one-time gift
    • Make a pledge and spread out your payments
    • Have your donation matched by your company with a Corporate Matching Gift
  • Give a gift of publicly traded shares

Bishop Budka Eparchial Stewardship
Society Inc (BBESSI).


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